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Dr Georgina Fremlin
ST6, West Midlands

The British Society of Medical Dermatology Trainee Award has been an excellent experience. It has allowed me to attend a range of clinics where I have been able to enhance my experience in complex medical dermatology, develop my understanding how specialist clinics are organised and further recognise the importance of the multidisciplinary team.  I have been able to develop contacts with the medical dermatology field to help assist with management of complex patients in the future.

I arranged to attend the following clinics:

Pregnancy dermatoses clinic, St Peter’s Hospital Surrey, Dr Samantha Vaughan-Jones

I attended three clinics with Dr Vaughan-Jones where I observed the diagnosis and management of pregnancy dermatoses referred from primary and secondary care. I learnt about the importance of close liaison with midwifes and the obstetric team to facilitate patient care.

Hidradenitis suppurativa clinic, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, London, Dr Nemesha Desai and Dr Ruth Lamb

I attended two clinics where I was able to observe the multidisciplinary team set up of the clinic which included a microbiology consultant.  These clinics had some very challenging cases of hidradenitis suppurativa and some of the worse cases I have seen. I was able to develop my knowledge on complex management options for such patients, in particular in those cases where numerous treatments including biologics have failed.

Severe eczema clinic, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, London. Prof. Catherine Smith

I observed complex eczema patients being managed within the clinic and saw patients obtaining early access to dupilumab. I also observed the research being undertaken within the department.

Immunobullous clinic, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, London, Dr Richard Groves

This was an excellent clinic to observe a wide range of immunobullous conditions. I was able to enhanced my knowledge of treatment escalation for such patients and discuss these conditions with Dr Groves.

Cutaneous sarcoidosis clinic, King’s College Hospital, London, Dr Sarah Walsh

This was an excellent clinic to observe signs of cutaneous sarcoidosis and discuss management plan options for such patients.​

Psoriasis clinic, Salford Royal, Manchester, Professor Richard Warren.

I was able to observe the efficient set up of the psoriasis clinic and review patients with Professor Warren. This was an excellent opportunity to develop my understanding of biologics and the research that is being undertaken within the department. I was also able to spend time with the biologics nurses and learn about how the service has been developed over time.

Joint psoriasis & psoriatic arthritis clinic,  Salford Royal, Manchester, Professor Richard Warren and Dr Hector Chinoy (Consultant Rheumatologist)

This clinic allowed me to observe the holistic approach to patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in one clinic and reaffirm the benefit of having close links with rheumatology.

Cutaneous Lupus Clinic and complex medical dermatology, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds, Professor Mark Goodfield

This was an excellent opportunity to spend two days within the department in clinic and on their dermatology ward where I observed a variety of very interesting cases.


EADV Fostering Pregnancy Dermatoses Course, Croatia, Oct 2017

This three day course was an excellent learning opportunity to learn about complex management of a range of dermatological conditions in pregnancy from some of the world’s experts.

Habit reversal and atopic eczema course, The Medical Society of London

This one day course provided an insight to additional treatments options for eczema with habit reversal therapy.

I would like to thank the BSMD for this wonderful, personalised opportunity and all my supervisors for allowing me to attend their clinics and provide me with excellent learning opportunities and experience. The award has been an invaluable opportunity for my professional development and learning which I will use as a consultant dermatologist.

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